“She speaks to, and for, the body as eloquently as any American writer since Walt Whitman.”
In The Heart of America
The Girl Who Fell Through a Hole in Her Jumper (with Bruce E. J. McLeod; licensed under the title The Girl Who Fell Through a Hole in Her Jumper in the United States)
Birdy (an adaptation of William Wharton's novel)
Twenty One Positions: A Cartographic Dream of the Middle East (co-written with Lisa Schlesinger and AbdelFattah Abu Srour)
The Hard Weather Boating Party
One Short Sleepe
The Return of Benjamin Lay (produced at the Finborough Theatre with Marcus Rediker)
Returning to Haifa (with Ismail Khalidi)
Guernica, Gaza (with Ismail Khalidi)
Inside/Outside: Six Plays from Palestine and the Diaspora
Double Exposure: Plays of the Jewish and Palestinian Diasporas
To Dance A Stony Field (Peterloo Poets Press).
The War Boys, co-written with Bruce E. J. McLeod
Flying Blind, co-written with Bruce E. J. McLeod
Trump-ocalypse Now?
American plunder didn’t begin with this administration. Our theatrical dissent must be grounded in a holistic critique of state violence:
Radical Vision and Form: A Conversation With Naomi Wallace
For the author of ‘One Flea Spare’ and ‘Night Is a Room,’ the why of playwriting is vastly more important than the how. Still, she has some pointers about both.
Let the right one in: On resistance, hospitality and new writing for the American stage.
On Writing as Transgression: Teachers of young playwrights need to turn them into dangerous citizens.