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She speaks to, and for, the body as eloquently as any American writer since Walt Whitman.
— American Theatre



  • Inside/Outside: Six Plays from Palestine and the Diaspora

  • Double Exposure: Plays of the Jewish and Palestinian Diasporas


  • To Dance A Stony Field (Peterloo Poets Press).



  • Trump-ocalypse Now?

    American plunder didn’t begin with this administration. Our theatrical dissent must be grounded in a holistic critique of state violence:

  • Radical Vision and Form: A Conversation With Naomi Wallace

    For the author of ‘One Flea Spare’ and ‘Night Is a Room,’ the why of playwriting is vastly more important than the how. Still, she has some pointers about both.

  • Let the right one in: On resistance, hospitality and new writing for the American stage.

  • On Writing as Transgression: Teachers of young playwrights need to turn them into dangerous citizens.